Uncle Dane!! Kennedy asks daily when she will get to see Uncle Dane. The second day of the trip we finally got to see Dane. We spent the day in Salt Lake City at Gateway and Temple Square. The kids were feeling better but Aunt Kally was feeling pretty bad. We spent the evening walking around Temple Square, Dane chased Zach most of the evening. The kids loved the fountains, and Zach even put his leg and foot in one. I am so glad I had Dane and Kally to help with the kids because they were wild. It was a beautiful night and so fun to spend with Uncle Dane. After we said goodbye to Dane we made a quick stop at Deseret Book, Zach tried to get out of the stroller, and flipped it with two full 32oz Diet Cokes. It was the perfect end to another crazy day on our trip.
lol! This is classic! I really did want to scream and run away when the coke spilled! We've learned our lesson! Next time...it's just you and me!
Kourtney, This so cute. You and Kris have done a great job. I think all your pictures are adorable. The one of the Temple at night looks just like a postcard. Mom
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