Kally, Kennedy, Zach and myself spent 5 days in Utah and Idaho the beginning of this month. It was a wild five days. The night before we left we stayed in a hotel in Cincinnati. At 2a.m. Kennedy was coughing and said she didn't feel good. I made the mistake of telling her to come get in bed with me. She walked over to my bed and threw up all over me. She was very sick for the next few hours and around 4:30a.m. I went for Sprite, Advil, and to find a washer and dryer to clean the sacred blue blanket. Kennedy takes her blue blanket everywhere and Kris had washed it out in the sink so it was a little wet to take on the plane. After no sleep I loaded Zachary, Kennedy, and blue blanket on the plane and off we went on our adventure. Kennedy was still sick on the plane but Zach did great. We arrived in Salt Lake crammed all of our stuff in the rental car and started for Provo. We stopped by Costco for a few items for our little trip. Zach was in the cart and we were looking at books for the kids. I looked down and saw a nasty liquid all over the floor and then realized it was coming from Zach's pant legs. I rushed him outside, stripped him down and cleaned him up in 20 degree weather. I was ready to go home at this point but I am happy to say that the trip got a little better and we got to see many friends and family members.