Kennedy turned four on the 22nd of October and I think we celebrated her birthday for the entire next week. She had a party on Sunday with her family and her friend Kaya. When I asked her what kind of cake she wanted she said chocolate cake with chocolate icing. A few days before her birthday she told me that she wanted spiders all over her cake so that it would be a scary cake. Kennedy always surprises me with her choices. Kris loved that she wanted a Halloween party with spider cake. She was shaking because she was so excited as she opened her gifts. I think that Christmas will be really fun with Kennedy this year. Kennedy got her first bike from us, but I think Zach was more excited about her bike and pink helmet.
Happy Birthday Kennedy! Sorry I am such a terrible aunt. I have forgotten everyones b-day this year.
That bike totally reminds me of London's first bike. So cute.
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